Today we hit the one ”month on the road” mark and it is just after midnight when I am writing this. My left eye is closing its lid at random and I am really looking forward to dig into my bed in our ferry cabin style cheap hotel (Etap Hotel Flensburg). However I want to tell you guys about today’s leg.
Probably the worst leg so far – so many things went wrong:
Six kilometres out of Plön I got a puncture on my rear wheel.
A few kilometres before Kiel yet another puncture on the same wheel!

Finding our way out of Kiel was difficult and set us back quite some time (street signs are made for cars not for bicycles).
Yet the same trouble of finding our way happened again in Schleswig – of all places. Honestly speaking I cannot understand how we could fuck up finding our way in a city the size of my pocket, but I guess it must have been a combination of a very bad road map – made for cars and confusing sign posts for bikes?!
Such episodes really got on my nerves especially the finding way issue, which in Eastern Europe had been no problem, since there basically are no highways, no bicycle lanes (almost) and no roads where bicycles are not allowed (and the driver’s do not care), thus we just followed the normal car maps. In Germany this strategy was useless.
Today I was really focused and got up early so we where ready at 9.10 for action, so in theory we had plenty of time, but it was all eaten away so the last hour towards Flensburg we were driving against the clock or rather against the sunset (see the video).
Not optimal at all, but on the other hand those are the circumstances when you are outdoors in the autumn.
Tomorrow will be the final leg – and maybe even the toughest, since strong winds are to be expected. 14 meter per second they say from south west and we are heading north west:-)

The above picture is taken at lunch time – here we thought we had plenty of time left for reaching Flensburg.